RTR « XOR » (Out of Stock)

WeMe077  2LP

This time RTR gathers up the most energetic tracks he has done so far. Putting those 10 tracks together makes us go through an immersive musical journey that goes from stuttering, rapid breakbeats all the way through the record to complex melodies, needling acid basslines, mind-melting electronic workout that’ll leave you on your knees.

digital sales : https://rtrmusic.bandcamp.com


A1 xxxx 5:08
A2 A lenticularis 4:24
A3 143UO 3:22
B1 Nimitz 4:10
B2 TT 4:29
B3 T1 3:36
C1 XOR 6:02
C2 Lights over Phoenix 4:28
D1 Estazin 5:41
D2 6EQUJ5 5:09
SKU: WeMe077 green